Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 4: The Importance of a Support System

Woke up in the morning not feeling good, but not feeling bad either. I seem to have hit the midpoint between the two for the first time in my three cycles. It's an odd feeling.

Nausea-5, likely being enhanced by an increasingly bad taste in my mouth.

So, my nurses only allow an IV to stay in my arm for three days at a time. This means I had mine removed yesterday and will have a new one placed for today and tomorrow. One trick I've found helpful to avoid getting poked too many times is to drink warm water 1-3 hours before my chemo appointment. Warm water can:

1. be drunk in larger quantities than cold water, and
2. be used by your system much faster than cold water. When you hydrate well, your veins will appear to bulge and thus your nurses will have an easier time placing their line!

By the way, it is becoming increasingly harder to stay focused so forgive me if some of my sentences sound odd.

So today, it only took one jab to get me. Left the IV in for tomorrow. The line was pretty strong and I'm not expecting any problems.

Activity Log:
7:30 PM to 9 PM- Went to the do-jang (I practice ITF taekwon-do) and saw a friend who's currently visiting from Utah! I wasn't in any condition to train, but it felt nice to be there.

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